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Business Directory
New York City, NY
Name: Mark Callen
Company: Mark Charles Media.
Phone: (716) 361-9166
Award-winning, Internationally published fashion photographer. Model Scout, Creative Director, Fashion Photographer. Works in NYC and throughout Western New York
Nashville, TN
Name: Driver’s Photography
Phone: (619) 997-5719
Themed and Headshot Photography for Actors and Models
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, NY, Alaska
NPCF SAS (sass)-Share A Smile
Public Relations
Lisa Strisko
Daughter-Elizabeth Hunt
Phone: (936)443-3593
Talent Management Agencies
Name: Holland Management
Address: 127 Old Hwy 98 East
Columbia, MS 39429
Phone: 601-674-0590
Holland Management's focus is directed toward education/instruction for the modeling world. They provide consultations, hands- on training, private coaching, goal setting in a positive atmosphere, proper etiquette both personal and business, and self-marketing for social media.
Holland Management's focus is on three areas of training. The Basics of Modeling, The Business of Modeling, and the Building Blocks of Modeling we offer seminars in all three areas. Holland Management works within Mississippi and surrounding areas and is Licensed with the State of Mississippi.
Holland Management can be reached by contacting them personally, or through email.
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